Whitepaper-About Bitra

  • Name – BiVastra
  • Token Ticker – #BITRA
  • Chain – Binance Smart Chain
  • Type – BEP20
  • Decimals – 18 Digits
  • Total Tokens – 90,000,000,000
  • Circulating Tokens – 35,000,000,000
  • 10% Yielding supply to Investors for 5 Yrs – 25,678,912,389
  • Total Circulation in 6th Year – 60,678,912,389
  • Remaining tokens after 5 Years; will burn periodically 29,321,087,611
  • Token Address – 0xf243532ce385366095e3a59e0c87e7bac21a410e
  • Official Wallet address – 0xfbd859783fDb278Ae54bDBd947Cd1112e843F57F (To buy #BITRA please transfer BNB or BUSD to this wallet address)

The first burning of 488,684,793 tokens was completed in May 2022

Second Burning completed on 07-06-2022; (488,684,793 + 488,684,793 = 977,369,586). Every month the burn process will continue.

All the tokens are held in BiVastra Official Wallet not distributed to any Founders yet.

#BITRA is a smart contract with a burnable function; the address will not hold Crypto’s because it is not a wallet, it is a Security and utility token. Therefore, do not send crypto to the contract address since you can’t get it back.

#BITRA is a substitute to #BITA

#BITA empowers the investors, so it makes the coding complicated.

We are negotiating with a reliable programming company to develop #BITA token.

Once #BITA is ready, the investors will receive 1 : 1 ratio of #BITA against #BITRA.