Tokenomic Details

  • Token Ticker : #BITRA
  • Decimals : 18 Digits
  • Contract Address : BscScan
Total Tokens90,000,000,000
Circulating Supply35,000,000,000
10% Yielding supply to Investors for 5 Yrs25,678,912,389
Total Circulation in 6th Year60,678,912,389
Remaining tokens after 5 Years; will burn periodically29,321,087,611

We are not planning on selling all 35,000,000,000 tokens. In a systematic manner, we will sell tokens, and once we reach our goal, we will burn the remaining tokens to support our investors.

We are going to use the quantity of the Remaining after five years 29,321,087,611 tokens for periodical burning purposes. Periodical burning will help to interact with our investors periodically by mail and social media communication.

We will burn 488,684,793 tokens on the starting date of the Token sales.  [We got this figure from 29,321,087,611 divided by 60 (5 years X 12 Months = 60)].

Conditions for the sale and purchase of tokens
  • Token prices increase every phase. 
  • Each phase is sealed by a fixed number of tokens. 
  • An address or Investor can only buy a certain number of tokens in every phase using a certain amount of crypto or US Dollars.
  • If a person wants to invest $40 from the beginning of sales he can, but the first $20’s price of the token is 0.00050000; the second $20’s price of the token will be 0.00060000 as per the slab system assigned in the Tokenomic chart.
  • From “the exchange slab” onwards the price of the token is increasing 0.001% for every 5,000,000 tokens once.

These conditions are crucial to boost the token price and prevent traders from dumping the tokens on the market.  It will save the investors from panic sales.  Our sales chart’s graph will never go down.  So please take your time to understand the Tokenomic plan.  There are examples in the third sheet of Tokenomic Chart which will help investors to understand the above-said conditions.