Whitepaper-About Bivastra

Real World Income Generating Digital Asset; Crypto Stocks

Bivastra Inc. is a legally registered company based in India that adheres to corporate legal norms. The company’s official website is https://bivastra.com, where you can find all their certificates at https://bivastra.com/certificates.

Financial Transparency and Accountability

Bivastra ensures transparency and accountability in all financial transactions. Every transaction is conducted through the official bank account, and occasionally, crypto transactions may occur, which are also auditable by the Government of India. The company collects its crypto transfers using the app https://www.cointracker.io and submits them for government auditing purposes. This transparent process empowers investors, and all financial returns have been filed until May 2022, as stated in the document drafted on 08-06-2022. Recent financial returns are being updated to reflect the latest transactions and audits.

Partnerships and Recognitions

1. Partnership with STPI and STPINEXT: Bivastra has entered into strategic partnerships with the Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) and STPINEXT, enhancing its technological capabilities and market reach.

2. Orange Seal Certification: Bivastra is Orange Seal certified, recognizing its commitment to advancing a gender-equal world by substantially developing gender inclusion practices across its value chain, workforce, and leadership.

3. Won Idea Challenge: Bivastra was a proud winner of the Idea Challenge, showcasing its innovative approach and solidifying its position as a leader in the industry.

Current Management and Future Plans

Currently, Bivastra Inc. has two directors. However, the company is on a path to becoming a public sector entity, allowing investors to become directors with full rights. Detailed information on this transition and the benefits for investors can be found on the #Bita Benefits – Bivastra Incorporate page.

Advancements and Future Goals

Since the original drafting of the white paper, Bivastra has made significant progress:

1. Digital Shares (BITRA) Launch: The BITRA token is poised for launch on leading exchanges, designed to represent tangible shares in physical projects, ensuring stability and reduced risk for investors.

2. Manufacturing Expansion: The company is advancing plans to establish a vertically integrated garment manufacturing and exporting hub, which will create 2200 jobs and contribute to local and global markets.

3. Market Expansion: Bivastra continues to explore opportunities in custom garments, leveraging blockchain technology for secure and efficient operations.

Following the successful launch of tokens on exchanges, Bivastra aims to transition fully into a public sector company, providing greater opportunities and benefits to its investors.